Improve your well-being by picking up your crafting tool of choice and use making as a form of therapy…
When life gets stressful there’s nothing better than losing yourself in some knitting or setting up the sewing machine to forget about your problems.
While, as crafters, we’ve known how making can lift our mood, it can still be difficult to make time to create just for us, or remember to pick up a project when things are getting too much.
Crafting can be an incredible way to improve your mental health, can lower blood pressure, slow the onset of dementia, distract from chronic pain and combat anxiety.
The recent Covid pandemic has left a lot of people feeling lonely and isolated. Made by Me Workshops and crafting sessions are as much about meeting people and being part of a group as they are about actually making something. We also attend craft fairs, arrange trips to fabric stores and other social events suggested by the group.
Mixed Craft Social Session
Join our social crafting sessions, whether you knit, stitch or crochet come and join are social session on Wednesday evening 7pm - 9pm.. Our friendly group enjoy sharing their creations, exchanging knowledge, sharing laughter and enjoying tea and cake. Why be crafting at home alone when you can come and share ideas and meet like-minded people.
Bring whatever your working on or just come and have a cuppa and flick through the magazines and see what everybody else is working on for inspiration. If you are new to crafting we can advise you on things you might like to try.
Session Times
Wednesday 2pm til 4pm and 7pm til 9pm
£10.00 which include tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.
Please contact me if you need more information or to book please send me an email or give me a call on 07813 114720.